# data_source Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VirusVariantsWgsDailyIncomingData/properties/data_source ``` DEPRECATED as of 05.07: will be removed in a future release. only 'wgs' records remain in the file. Data source for these records. msys - Targeted investigation of individual mutations or partial or complete sequencing of the genome reported from diagnostic laboratories via the mandatory declaration system. Data is mainly collected in the context of containment measures and is thus not representative. wgs - Identified virus variants and sequencing results from the genomic surveillance program. The genomic surveillance results are based on whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2. A representative sample of all positive cases is sequenced (aim: 2000 samples/week) to have an overview of currently circulating virus variants and to estimate the proportion of individual variants. Not all laboratories participating in the program are technically connected for now, therefore the cantonal data is not representative. Only data for CHFL is published. | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------- | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## data_source Type `string` ([data_source](sources-definitions-virusvariantswgsdailyincomingdata-properties-data_source.md)) ## data_source Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :------- | ----------- | | `"msys"` | | | `"wgs"` | |