# VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData ``` Iso-Week aggregated vaccination records broken down by geoRegion (by canton/country of residence) and sex/age brackets for vaccination data. COVID19FullyVaccPersons - Number of fully vaccinated persons COVID19FirstBoosterPersons - Number of persons that have received at least one booster vaccine dose. Subset of the 'COVID19FullyVaccPersons'. COVID19SecondBoosterPersons - Number of persons that have received at least two booster vaccine doses. Subset of the 'COVID19FullyVaccPersons'. COVID19AtLeastOneDosePersons - Number of persons that have received at least one dose COVID19PartiallyVaccPersons - Number of persons that are partially vaccinated (difference between COVID19AtLeastOneDosePersons and COVID19FullyVaccPersons) COVID19VaccSixMonthsPersons - Number of persons that have received at least one vaccine dose within the last 6 months. | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | No | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData Type `object` ([VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata.md)) # VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData Properties | Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :-------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------- | -------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [age_group_type](#age_group_type) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-age_group_type.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/age_group_type") | | [altersklasse_covid19](#altersklasse_covid19) | `string` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-incomingagerangetype.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/altersklasse_covid19") | | [date](#date) | `number` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-date.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/date") | | [entries](#entries) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-entries.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/entries") | | [freq](#freq) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-freq.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/freq") | | [geoRegion](#geoRegion) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-georegionvaccpersonbyresidence.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/geoRegion") | | [granularity](#granularity) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-granularity.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/granularity") | | [per100Persons](#per100Persons) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100persons.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/per100Persons") | | [per100PersonsTotal](#per100PersonsTotal) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100personstotal.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/per100PersonsTotal") | | [pop](#pop) | `number` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-pop.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/pop") | | [prct](#prct) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-prct.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/prct") | | [sex](#sex) | `string` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-sex.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/sex") | | [sumTotal](#sumTotal) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-sumtotal.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/sumTotal") | | [type](#type) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/type") | | [type_variant](#type_variant) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type_variant.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/type_variant") | | [version](#version) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-version.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/version") | ## age_group_type Indicator for age group type. age_group_AKL10 = age range brackets (10 year steps) age_group_vacc_strategy = age range brackets by vaccination strategy `age_group_type` - is required - Type: `string` ([age_group_type](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-age_group_type.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-age_group_type.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/age_group_type") ### age_group_type Type `string` ([age_group_type](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-age_group_type.md)) ### age_group_type Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :-------------------------- | ----------- | | `"age_group_AKL10"` | | | `"age_group_vacc_strategy"` | | ## altersklasse_covid19 Age range brackets (either 10 year steps or by vaccination strategy) used for data breakdown by age. `altersklasse_covid19` - is optional - Type: `string` ([IncomingAgeRangeType](sources-definitions-incomingagerangetype.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-incomingagerangetype.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/altersklasse_covid19") ### altersklasse_covid19 Type `string` ([IncomingAgeRangeType](sources-definitions-incomingagerangetype.md)) ### altersklasse_covid19 Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :---------- | ----------- | | `"0 - 4"` | | | `"0 - 9"` | | | `"10 - 19"` | | | `"12 - 15"` | | | `"16 - 64"` | | | `"20 - 29"` | | | `"30 - 39"` | | | `"40 - 49"` | | | `"5 - 11"` | | | `"50 - 59"` | | | `"60 - 69"` | | | `"65+"` | | | `"70 - 79"` | | | `"80+"` | | ## date Formatted as ISO-Week number 202009 `date` - is required - Type: `number` ([date](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-date.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-date.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/date") ### date Type `number` ([date](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-date.md)) ## entries Absolute number of occurrences for this iso-week. `entries` - is optional - Type: `number` ([entries](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-entries.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-entries.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/entries") ### entries Type `number` ([entries](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-entries.md)) ## freq Percentage of the current sex/age bracket in comparison to all brackets. `freq` - is optional - Type: `number` ([freq](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-freq.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-freq.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/freq") ### freq Type `number` ([freq](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-freq.md)) ### freq Constraints **maximum**: the value of this number must smaller than or equal to: `1` **minimum**: the value of this number must greater than or equal to: `0` ## geoRegion Geographical unit of the data records. This refers to the canton/country of residence of the person not the canton administering the vaccine. May be either one of the top level units (CHFL, CH or FL) a canton (2 letter code), the sum of all neighboring countries 'neigboring_chfl' or 'unknown' if the residence of the person is not known or not in CH, FL or any of the neighboring countries. The geoRegion 'all' is used for the sum of all vaccinated persons (CHFL + neighboring_chfl + unknown). `geoRegion` - is required - Type: `string` ([GeoRegionVaccPersonByResidence](sources-definitions-georegionvaccpersonbyresidence.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-georegionvaccpersonbyresidence.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/geoRegion") ### geoRegion Type `string` ([GeoRegionVaccPersonByResidence](sources-definitions-georegionvaccpersonbyresidence.md)) ### geoRegion Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :------------------- | ----------- | | `"AG"` | | | `"AI"` | | | `"AR"` | | | `"BE"` | | | `"BL"` | | | `"BS"` | | | `"CH"` | | | `"CHFL"` | | | `"FL"` | | | `"FR"` | | | `"GE"` | | | `"GL"` | | | `"GR"` | | | `"JU"` | | | `"LU"` | | | `"NE"` | | | `"NW"` | | | `"OW"` | | | `"SG"` | | | `"SH"` | | | `"SO"` | | | `"SZ"` | | | `"TG"` | | | `"TI"` | | | `"UR"` | | | `"VD"` | | | `"VS"` | | | `"ZG"` | | | `"ZH"` | | | `"all"` | | | `"neighboring_chfl"` | | | `"unknown"` | | ## granularity Granularity of the reported data. summary - cumulative data of current totals reported biweekly by cantons detailed - singular data of vaccine events through automated reporting including demographic information partial - incomplete detailed data for CH + CHFL aggregations including only geoRegions with granularity detailed (records do not include all values) `granularity` - is required - Type: `string` ([granularity](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-granularity.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-granularity.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/granularity") ### granularity Type `string` ([granularity](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-granularity.md)) ### granularity Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :----------- | ----------- | | `"detailed"` | | | `"partial"` | | | `"summary"` | | ## per100Persons Incidence value for this iso-week. `per100Persons` - is optional - Type: `number` ([per100Persons](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100persons.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100persons.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/per100Persons") ### per100Persons Type `number` ([per100Persons](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100persons.md)) ## per100PersonsTotal Sum of the "inz_entries" values since the start of data recording. `per100PersonsTotal` - is optional - Type: `number` ([per100PersonsTotal](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100personstotal.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100personstotal.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/per100PersonsTotal") ### per100PersonsTotal Type `number` ([per100PersonsTotal](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-per100personstotal.md)) ## pop Population number for the current record (geoRegion and sex/age bracket). `pop` - is required - Type: `number` ([pop](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-pop.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-pop.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/pop") ### pop Type `number` ([pop](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-pop.md)) ## prct Percentage of the current sex/age bracket in comparison to all brackets. `prct` - is optional - Type: `number` ([prct](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-prct.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-prct.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/prct") ### prct Type `number` ([prct](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-prct.md)) ### prct Constraints **maximum**: the value of this number must smaller than or equal to: `100` **minimum**: the value of this number must greater than or equal to: `0` ## sex Sex unknown - If no gender information was provided for the associated data. male - male female - female `sex` - is optional - Type: `string` ([Sex](sources-definitions-sex.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-sex.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/sex") ### sex Type `string` ([Sex](sources-definitions-sex.md)) ### sex Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :---------- | ----------- | | `"female"` | | | `"male"` | | | `"unknown"` | | ## sumTotal Sum of the "entries" values since the start of data recording. `sumTotal` - is optional - Type: `number` ([sumTotal](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-sumtotal.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-sumtotal.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/sumTotal") ### sumTotal Type `number` ([sumTotal](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-sumtotal.md)) ## type COVID19FullyVaccPersons - Number of fully vaccinated persons COVID19FirstBoosterPersons - Number of persons that have received at least one booster vaccine dose. Subset of the 'COVID19FullyVaccPersons'. COVID19SecondBoosterPersons - Number of persons that have received at least two booster vaccine doses. Subset of the 'COVID19FullyVaccPersons'. COVID19AtLeastOneDosePersons - Number of persons that have received at least one dose COVID19PartiallyVaccPersons - Number of persons that are partially vaccinated (difference between COVID19AtLeastOneDosePersons and COVID19FullyVaccPersons) COVID19VaccSixMonthsPersons - Number of persons that have received at least one vaccine dose within the last 6 months. `type` - is required - Type: `string` ([type](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/type") ### type Type `string` ([type](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type.md)) ### type Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :------------------------------- | ----------- | | `"COVID19AtLeastOneDosePersons"` | | | `"COVID19FirstBoosterPersons"` | | | `"COVID19SecondBoosterPersons"` | | | `"COVID19VaccSixMonthsPersons"` | | ## type_variant Indicator for which extra dimension/bracket the data has been broken down for in addition to geoRegion. sex = breakdown by sex altersklasse_covid19 = breakdown by age `type_variant` - is required - Type: `string` ([type_variant](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type_variant.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type_variant.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/type_variant") ### type_variant Type `string` ([type_variant](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-type_variant.md)) ### type_variant Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :----------------------- | ----------- | | `"altersklasse_covid19"` | | | `"sex"` | | ## version Timestamp of data processing. format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS `version` - is required - Type: `string` ([version](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-version.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-version.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/VaccPersonsWeeklyIncomingData/properties/version") ### version Type `string` ([version](sources-definitions-vaccpersonsweeklyincomingdata-properties-version.md))