# ReDailyIncomingData Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData ``` Calculated Re Value undefined median r value means calculation is not possible | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ------------ | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | No | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## ReDailyIncomingData Type `object` ([ReDailyIncomingData](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata.md)) # ReDailyIncomingData Properties | Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :-------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------- | -------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | [date](#date) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-date.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/date") | | [geoRegion](#geoRegion) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-geounit.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/geoRegion") | | [median_R_highHPD](#median_R_highHPD) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_highhpd.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_highHPD") | | [median_R_lowHPD](#median_R_lowHPD) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_lowhpd.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_lowHPD") | | [median_R_mean](#median_R_mean) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_mean") | | [median_R_mean_mean7d](#median_R_mean_mean7d) | `number` | Optional | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean_mean7d.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_mean_mean7d") | | [timeframe_2w](#timeframe_2w) | `boolean` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_2w.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_2w") | | [timeframe_4w](#timeframe_4w) | `boolean` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_4w.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_4w") | | [timeframe_all](#timeframe_all) | `boolean` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_all.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_all") | | [type](#type) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-incomingdatatype.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/type") | | [version](#version) | `string` | Required | cannot be null | [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-version.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/version") | ## date Date of the Reproduction Value data. Formatted as ISO-Date 2020-10-12 `date` - is required - Type: `string` ([date](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-date.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-date.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/date") ### date Type `string` ([date](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-date.md)) ## geoRegion Geographical unit of the data records. May be either one of the top level Units CHFL, CH or FL for aggregated record sets or the canton of residence when available or the administrative canton i.e. the canton in which the case was diagnosed (if the place of residence is unknown or if the patient lives abroad). `geoRegion` - is required - Type: `string` ([GeoUnit](sources-definitions-geounit.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-geounit.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/geoRegion") ### geoRegion Type `string` ([GeoUnit](sources-definitions-geounit.md)) ### geoRegion Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :------- | ----------- | | `"AG"` | | | `"AI"` | | | `"AR"` | | | `"BE"` | | | `"BL"` | | | `"BS"` | | | `"CH"` | | | `"CH01"` | | | `"CH02"` | | | `"CH03"` | | | `"CH04"` | | | `"CH05"` | | | `"CH06"` | | | `"CH07"` | | | `"CHFL"` | | | `"FL"` | | | `"FR"` | | | `"GE"` | | | `"GL"` | | | `"GR"` | | | `"JU"` | | | `"LU"` | | | `"NE"` | | | `"NW"` | | | `"OW"` | | | `"SG"` | | | `"SH"` | | | `"SO"` | | | `"SZ"` | | | `"TG"` | | | `"TI"` | | | `"UR"` | | | `"VD"` | | | `"VS"` | | | `"ZG"` | | | `"ZH"` | | ## median_R_highHPD upper bound of the 95% confidence interval `median_R_highHPD` - is optional - Type: `number` ([median_R_highHPD](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_highhpd.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_highhpd.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_highHPD") ### median_R_highHPD Type `number` ([median_R_highHPD](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_highhpd.md)) ## median_R_lowHPD lower bound of the 95% confidence interval `median_R_lowHPD` - is optional - Type: `number` ([median_R_lowHPD](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_lowhpd.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_lowhpd.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_lowHPD") ### median_R_lowHPD Type `number` ([median_R_lowHPD](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_lowhpd.md)) ## median_R_mean mean estimated median Re `median_R_mean` - is optional - Type: `number` ([median_R_mean](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_mean") ### median_R_mean Type `number` ([median_R_mean](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean.md)) ## median_R_mean_mean7d 7 day mean of the mean estimated median Re `median_R_mean_mean7d` - is optional - Type: `number` ([median_R_mean_mean7d](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean_mean7d.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean_mean7d.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/median_R_mean_mean7d") ### median_R_mean_mean7d Type `number` ([median_R_mean_mean7d](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-median_r_mean_mean7d.md)) ## timeframe_2w Indicator if the record belongs to the latest 2 weeks timeframe. Current day is usually excluded. `timeframe_2w` - is required - Type: `boolean` ([timeframe_2w](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_2w.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_2w.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_2w") ### timeframe_2w Type `boolean` ([timeframe_2w](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_2w.md)) ## timeframe_4w Indicator if the record belongs to the latest 4 weeks timeframe. Current day is usually excluded. `timeframe_4w` - is required - Type: `boolean` ([timeframe_4w](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_4w.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_4w.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_4w") ### timeframe_4w Type `boolean` ([timeframe_4w](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_4w.md)) ## timeframe_all Indicator if the record belongs to the timeframe for all available data Starts at 24.02.2020 (Iso-Week 2020-09) for COVID19Cases, COVID19Hosp and COVID19Death types Starts at 24.01.2020 for COVID19Test type for CH+FL data combined and from 23.05.2020 for data by canton/CH/FL individually Starts at 30.03.2020 for COVID19HospCapacity type `timeframe_all` - is required - Type: `boolean` ([timeframe_all](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_all.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_all.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/timeframe_all") ### timeframe_all Type `boolean` ([timeframe_all](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-timeframe_all.md)) ## type COVID19Cases - Refers to persons that have at least one positive PCR/Antigen result for COVID-19. The number of cases differs from the number of new declarations announced daily due to the reporting delay. COVID19Death - Refers to persons that have at least one positive PCR/Antigen result for COVID-19 for which we have received a declaration of death. COVID19Hosp - Refers to persons that have at least one positive PCR result for COVID-19 for which we have received a clinical declaration stating that the person was hospitalized (at least one night stay). Hospitalizations without date of hospital entry will not occur in this table. COVID19Test - Refers to PCR/Antigen tests for COVID-19 with a positive or a negative result. COVID19HospCapacity - Refers to hospital (ICU/Total) capacity and occupancy information. `type` - is required - Type: `string` ([IncomingDataType](sources-definitions-incomingdatatype.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-incomingdatatype.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/type") ### type Type `string` ([IncomingDataType](sources-definitions-incomingdatatype.md)) ### type Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :---------------------- | ----------- | | `"COVID19Cases"` | | | `"COVID19Death"` | | | `"COVID19Hosp"` | | | `"COVID19HospCapacity"` | | | `"COVID19Re"` | | | `"COVID19Test"` | | ## version Timestamp of data processing. format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-SS `version` - is required - Type: `string` ([version](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-version.md)) - cannot be null - defined in: [COVID-19 Dashboard Source Data](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-version.md "https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/ReDailyIncomingData/properties/version") ### version Type `string` ([version](sources-definitions-redailyincomingdata-properties-version.md))