# GeoUnit Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/WeeklyIncomingData/properties/geoRegion ``` Geographical unit of the data records. May be either one of the top level Units CHFL, CH or FL for aggregated record sets or the canton of residence when available or the administrative canton i.e. the canton in which the case was diagnosed (if the place of residence is unknown or if the patient lives abroad). | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------- | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## geoRegion Type `string` ([GeoUnit](sources-definitions-geounit.md)) ## geoRegion Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :------- | ----------- | | `"AG"` | | | `"AI"` | | | `"AR"` | | | `"BE"` | | | `"BL"` | | | `"BS"` | | | `"CH"` | | | `"CH01"` | | | `"CH02"` | | | `"CH03"` | | | `"CH04"` | | | `"CH05"` | | | `"CH06"` | | | `"CH07"` | | | `"CHFL"` | | | `"FL"` | | | `"FR"` | | | `"GE"` | | | `"GL"` | | | `"GR"` | | | `"JU"` | | | `"LU"` | | | `"NE"` | | | `"NW"` | | | `"OW"` | | | `"SG"` | | | `"SH"` | | | `"SO"` | | | `"SZ"` | | | `"TG"` | | | `"TI"` | | | `"UR"` | | | `"VD"` | | | `"VS"` | | | `"ZG"` | | | `"ZH"` | |