# IncomingInzSumPeriodCat Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/AdditionalGeoRegionDailyIncomingData/properties/inzCategoryNormalized ``` Incidence values for the specified period (1 day or 2 weeks) normalized to 14 days (divided by the respective time interval for which it was calculated and multiplied by 14 days) and grouped into categories afterwards to ensure data privacy (especially for smaller geographical units) and comparability. | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------- | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## inzCategoryNormalized Type `string` ([IncomingInzSumPeriodCat](sources-definitions-additionalgeoregiondailyincomingdata-properties-incominginzsumperiodcat.md)) ## inzCategoryNormalized Constraints **enum**: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values: | Value | Explanation | | :----------- | ----------- | | `"0-59"` | | | `"120-239"` | | | `"1920+"` | | | `"240-479"` | | | `"480-959"` | | | `"60-119"` | | | `"960-1919"` | |