# geoRegion Schema ```txt https://covid19.admin.ch#/definitions/AdditionalGeoRegion14dPeriodIncomingData/properties/geoRegion ``` Identification code for the geographical unit. Content is dependant on the 'geoRegion_type': CH: country code CH KTN: 2 letter canton codes (AG, BE, ZH etc.) GR: NUTS-2 codes (CH01-CH07) GBAE: BFS-OFS identifier (GBAE01-GBAE16) BAE: BFS-OFS identifier (BAE01011-BAE16110) BZRK: BFS-OFS identifier (BZRK0101-BZRK2603) | Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Access Restrictions | Defined In | | :------------------ | ---------- | -------------- | ----------------------- | :---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Can be instantiated | No | Unknown status | Unknown identifiability | Forbidden | Allowed | none | [sources.schema.json\*](../schema/sources.schema.json "open original schema") | ## geoRegion Type `string` ([geoRegion](sources-definitions-additionalgeoregion14dperiodincomingdata-properties-georegion.md))